
Yulia Makeyeva is a multidisciplinary artist and founder of Connect With Art. She grew up in Russia and now lives in Jersey, Channel Islands. Yulia turned her full attention to art practice in 2019.  Her Philology and Art History background and interest in history are firmly rooted in her art practice. She explores memory, heritage and time, language, boundaries and borders, drawing inspiration from personal experiences and public and private archives.
In 2021 Makeyeva was awarded a ‘distinction degree’ UAL (University Arts London) Level 3 Diploma in Art and Design/Foundation Studies/Highlands College, Jersey Channel Islands. She facilitates workshops in local schools and participated in a MAPS (Making Art Partnerships in Schools) project, a pilot training and educational programme with artists and teachers, led Arthouse Jersey, working in collaboration with the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills (CYPES) to enhance the delivery and provision for art in schools.
Makeyeva was part of Skipton Big Ideas group Exhibition, produced by Jersey Art House, October/November 2021 in Jersey, with her sculpture ‘Continuum’.
Her sculpture Any Time.Now was selected by International Memorial via the open call in May 2022. This work is part of a touring exhibition Sandarmoh. Where Trees Have Faces

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2024      RA Summer Show, London

2024      Summer Show, CCA Galleries, Jersey catalogue

2024      Imaginary Real, CCA Galleries, Jersey

2024      Channel Island Contemporary Art Show 

Arthouse Jersey, ArtForGuernsey

2023      MAPS Projects Exhibition, Arthouse Jersey

2023      Summer Exhibition, CCA Galleries, Jersey

2022      Found in Jersey. Made in Jersey, Artist studio

2022       Sandarmoh. Where Trees Have Faces, Prague

sculpture Any Time.Now

2022       Making Through the ***time

self-curated solo exhibition, artist studio virtual tour

2022       Spring Show: Pick up your Threads and Carry On

group show: Rychèl Thérin, Jane Yates, Yulia Makeyeva virtual tour

2021        Skipton Big Ideas Exhibition

Sculpture Continuum

Arthouse Jersey, Town Church, Jersey, October-November 2021

2021        Summer Show CCA Galleries, Jersey catalogue

2020        Spring into Action

Private & Public Gallery, Jersey

2020        Female Textile Artists

Ramp Arts Collective, Jersey



